Sarah at byron writers festival 2022
I give talks and run writing workshops in primary and secondary schools, and at writers’ festivals.
My presentations are fun and interactive – and my goal is to get young people excited about writing and reading.
I share writing tools that I use in my own books and explain my writing process from first idea to finished book. I take students behind the scene of a writer’s life with stories and photos.
In writing workshops, I get the students writing straight away and introduce them to my favourite writing tools and tricks.
You can book me for an author talk or presentation at Speakers Ink.
Sarah brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to her classes. She is a dynamic and energetic presenter who encourages students to push their boundaries and achieve greatness. She’s a kind and encouraging mentor who helps students develop characters and stories, and is a pleasure to work with.
The Rivers Secondary College
Our school was lucky enough to have Sarah visit and talk with our Stage 3 students. Sarah had the students completely engaged from start to finish. Sarah gave them a unique insight into the book creation process. They also came away with lots of practical tips about the craft of writing. The students and staff had such fabulous feedback about Sarah's visit.
St Catherine’s School
We were very fortunate to have Sarah visit the College to speak with Year 11 and 12 students about imaginative writing. What she achieved with students in the 50 minute sessions was so valuable and we'd highly recommend her to all. Students have been actively applying her advice in their writing approaches since the visit.
Coomera Anglican College